These are my bookshelves! (I moved lots of picture frames just so you could see them, consider yourself honored. LOL), Decorated (cluttered) with my many teacups and willowtree figurines, and also missing a few favorite books (cause I forgot to take pictures of that section of my three bookcases) such as the Lowlands of Scotland series, Kirsten Heitzmann's Italian series, my Jane Austen books, The Guardian King series, and the several books I have on lend-out right now. :) (yes that is a ceramic dinosaur sitting nicely on my shelf, my dear sister Lydia decided that would be his home, and so he keeps my books company)Those above are my Elisabeth Elliot, John Eldredge and Brennan Manning volumes. Love all three authors!
Fiction favorites as well as a few non-fiction. Francis Chan, etc
Ted Dekker and Narnia--which I adore, am blessed by and enjoy reading with my siblings.
C.S. Lewis, C.S. Lewis. C.S. Lewis. I hope to one day own all of his books. For now Screwtape Letters, Lewis Quotes and a huge compilation book will do. :)
My favorite classics, (I secretly adore Gone with the Wind) and the Ludy's many good and challenging books.
some WW2 books, Missionary books and a few old beautiful books.
Midwifery and doula books. :)
my small stack from the library. We'll see if I get through all or any of them. :)
The books I am reading right now:
My Bible: Isaiah and Psalms have been frequented of late.
Mere Christianity: Reading slowly but surely with my friend Jen, we're over half way done. Awesome.
The Face of God: Intriguing, thought-provoking book lent to me by a dad at church. He loves me: Haven't started this one yet, highly reccomended by my friends Rachel & Brooke;)
My Utmost His Highest: daily (or almost daily) reading. So good.
Fair is the Rose: I have no idea how many times I've read this series, but it is so rich and good. Heartbreaking to no end.
Books make my heart happy. :)